When/How should I submit my payment details?

If you have previously submitted your bank details and they have not changed, you will not need to re-submit your payment information.

I have previously sumitted payment details and they have not changed.

If you have previously submitted your bank details and they have not changed, your details have been stored by our Finance Team and you will not need to re-submit your payment information.

If your details have been stored and you are due payment, your royalty payment from us should appear in your bank account on/around the same time as your statement email arrives in your inbox (depending on your bank). For reference, statement emails are sent on the last working day of January, April, July, and October.

To check if your details have been stored, please contact your client manager or support@sentricmusic.com and our team will be able to confirm.

If you are VAT-Registered in the UK, your payment details cannot be stored. For more information please see HERE

I need to provide my payment details for the first time.

You will be able to provide your details once you surpass our £40 payment threshold. Once you surpass the threshold and are due a royalty payment, you will receive a statement email directly from us in the nearest quarterly distribution (January, April, July, and October) which will prompt you to provide your payment details via the payment detail form. 

If there are any issues with the details provided, our team will reach out to you for corrections. If there are no issues, your payment details will be stored and moving forward, any payable royalty statements will be paid using the details you have provided.

I need to change my payment details.

For information on how to change the stored details associated with your account, please see HERE