What types of compositions does Sentric not administer?

Sentric can make registrations for Work(s) which are ‘true’ musical compositions only. Therefore, Sentric requests that you ensure that any Work(s) you submit for registration via the Sentric service, contain musical elements. 

Compositions that fall under one or more of the following categories will NOT be accepted for administration. This is because they do not qualify as musical compositions pursuant to international copyright law and therefore users and services are not required to pay a royalty on them.  

  • Sound Effects/Sound Design: Nature Sounds; Water Falls, Ocean Waves, Animal calls/sounds, Thunder/Lightning. White Noise, Car Horns, Traffic, Door Bells, Ringing noises etc.
  • Ringtones are accepted ONLY IF they contain an original music composition created by you.
  • Spoken Word compositions are accepted if there is an original musical composition backing created by you. We cannot accept spoken word compositions that are composed with just the spoken word speech. No famous speeches will be accepted in any form of the spoken word composition unless a license is granted by the copyright holder.
  • Royalty Free Music: You cannot obtain royalty free music and submit for administration as original work nor can you compose original music for royalty free purposes and submit it for administration.
  • Binaural/Meditation Sounds: We will not accept any hypnosis therapy sessions, no self-help compositions, unless they fall under the accepted spoken word categories. No massage, tantric or relaxation works.
  • Public Domain works (i.e. unless it is a new and unique arrangement and disclosed during the signup process)

Please be advised that failure to comply with the above will result in debits being applied to your account balance and/or your account being closed.