What is a YouTube Policy?

For a claim to be generated on a video, the asset used needs to contain a policy instructing the claims behaviour. 

In order of priority, the 4 types of YouTube policies are:

  • Block (Highest Priority)
  • Track
  • Monetise
  • No Policy (Lowest Priority)

As multiple assets can be attached to a single video, the policy for that video is set on a priority basis with the strictest policy overriding the policies of any other assets.

For Example:

If a composition asset (controlled by the publisher) with a ‘Monetise’ policy is identified on a video, but the Sound Recording asset (controlled by the label or distributor) has a policy to ‘Block’, the video would be blocked as this is the prioritised policy.

Alternatively, if the Sound Recording asset has no policy, the video policy would be set to monetise as this takes priority over no policy.

Find more information on YouTube Assets HERE

Find more information on YouTube Claims HERE