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  2. Royalties & Statements

Royalties and Statement Glossary of Terms

A glossary of all terms included across Sentric royalty statements.

Amount Due - The total amount of royalties due on from this statement

Artist Account Code - Unique Sentric Account Code

Artist Account Name - The name given to the account. This would usually be the artist or writer name but it may be a single account covering the entire catalogue

B/F Balance - Brought forward balance. The balance of royalties owed from previous distributions

Closing Balance - The balance at the end of the distribution period

Cumulative Earnings - The total earnings from all royalty distributions

Date From - Start date of the period the usage took place

Date To - End date of the period the usage took place

Earnings By Period - Total royalties earnt within a set distribution period

For the Period - The time period for when the royalties were received from performing rights organisations

Income Type - Grouped usage information including Right Type (Performance/Mechanical) and Usage Category (Streaming, Radio, TV, Live etc)

Owner Writer Net Amount - Net Royalties received (prior to Sentric NPS Deduction)

Owner Writer Payment - Net Royalties Payable

Payments - Payments of royalties made within the distribution period

Raw ISRC - International Standard Recording Code provided (if available) by the reporting PRO, MRO or Direct Licensee

Raw ISWC - International Standard Work Code provided (if available) by the reporting PRO, MRO or Direct Licensee

Raw Units - Number of streams/downloads/plays/performances

Raw Work Number - The work number from the reporting PRO, MRO or Direct Licensee (eg. PRS Tunecode)

Share Received - Share of total royalties payable to Sentric in relation to this usage

Song Code - Unique Sentric Song Code

Song Title - Song title as registered by Sentric

Source Name - PRO, MRO or Direct Licensee: For example PRS, MCPS, YouTube

Sources - The source of the royalty generated

Tax Deducted - Any necessary tax deductions made by Sentric

Territories - The territory in which the royalty was generated

Territory Name - Territory where the usage took place

Total Royalties - The total amount of royalties included in this statement

Transactions - Any other credits or debits to your account eg. advances, royalty transfers

Usage - Detailed usage information including DSP, TV or Radio Station.

Works - The titles of songs included in this statement

Writer Name - Name of the payable writer