How do I add new songs?

To view, edit, and add songs/works to your account, choose the ‘Songs’ option from the main menu, on the left side of your SentricApp Portal.


Then click on the ‘Add a new song’ button.

add a new song

Here you will be able to search for a recording on Spotify - if you have linked your account - or add a new song from scratch.

Adding a Song From Spotify

To make things easier, you can use the option to search for your song/work that is already in Spotify. Search for your song, then choose the correct option from the results.

add song final

The song/work details will be auto-populated based on Spotify’s data. You may want to keep or update this information. Note that by updating this data, no change will be made in Spotify. This only applies to the SentricApp Portal.

Adding a New Song

If you don’t add from Spotify, you may fill out all of the available song/work information.

Once you have confirmed the song details, add the writers of this song/work:

  1. Select writers from the dropdown menu list. This list will show all writers already added to your account. If the writer you need has not yet been added, click on the ‘Create a New Writer’ link.

  2. Click on the ‘Add Writer’ button by the writer’s name

  3. Once populated with the writer’s details, select their role

  4. Add the split percentage to the writer, up to 2 decimals. You may also click on the ‘Share splits equally’ button, to automatically populate the writer splits evenly

  5. For controlled writers, check the ‘I have the right to collect’ box by their names

add writer 3

Then add/edit the performing artists. Once you are done, click on the ‘Add Song’ button at the bottom of the screen.