How do I add my gigs?

The Gigs functionality allows you to add the details of your gigs to the SentricApp portal so you can claim them.

To add a new gig, choose 'Gigs', from the main menu, on the left-hand side. 


Adding a New Setlist

Before you add your gig details, you will first need to create a setlist. This is because you may use the same setlist for multiple gigs. 

From the Gigs menu, click on the 'Add setlist' tab. 


add setlist 1

Give the setlist a name that will help you identify it. Then add all of the songs, by clicking on 'Add another song'. You may also manually add songs by different artists. When done, click on the 'Add setlist' button at the bottom of the screen.

You will then be able to see all of your setlists by clicking on the 'Setlists' tab from the Gigs menu.

Creating a New Gig Claim

Now that you have your setlist ready, click on the 'Create a claim' tab from the Gigs menu.


create a gig claim

Here you will be able to add all of the gig's details, such as country, date, and time. To add the venue you have the option to first search from the database or manually add one. When finished, click on the 'Add claim' button at the end of the screen.

Once you have added your gig claim you will be able to see the list of all gigs, along with their status, by clicking on the 'Overview' tab, from the Gigs menu.